
Describe DID architectures our implementation Dominium.

ICanProveIt will use Dominium to issue certificates and maintain document version in the document repository.

Dominium is composted of 4 core services:

To Sorobon with dominium we implement a plugin. The plugin takes a hash and inserts it into Sorobon. This

Details of the Soroban Adapter are the page link below:

pageSoroban Adapter

to customize the Dominium architecture we will implement the ICanProve component in figure 4 (see component highlighted in red square. click on image to view in full screen).

Documents and internal users are represented withi Dominium as a DID. DIDs are documents that are conform to the DID standard and contain metadata about a subject - the subject can be a person, a pdf, or youtube url, a certificate or anything. Access permissions and provenance of the documents in the ICanProveIt document store as issued certificates are stored as DIDs.

When a holder of a certificate or document wants to verify that the document has not been updated, forged, or modified it can invoke a verification service (figure 5). The verification service checks the hash stored on Soroban.

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